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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Actigraphy anyone ?

For about a month now, I have been hanging in this state of impairment. The ability to let my torso rule The 8 hours has been deprived by some ongoing activities in my thinkpad. I have travelled innumerable places (every night) this month - month and a half and have seen many faces, climbed mountains, swam across oceans, met friends and friend of friends

But this nebulous state of sleeplessness I am in right now is inexplicable. Going through the motions of understanding it has lead me nowhere but to the 8 letter word - Insomnia.

On a regular week-day getting 6-6.5 hours of sleep is understandable. What I am scared of and what remains unaccountable is the delution and my inability to recognize a weekend (Sat/Sun) as "rest days". Infact its the other way around and most often I find myself asleep for 5-6 hours, thereby adding worries to the existing ones. Fear,Stress, Anxiety are the root causes and I gape which one could be the reason here.

Its all a matter of an hour though, the normal day continues after getting up (or soI believe) and from outside I look sane as ever ;-) . Come to think of it, I have made myself sit down to find the reasons for it and I go blank. Although a while later I see some glimmer of hope and it starts flowing like a wave .. Mocha, Anxiety, Fear of losing friends, Fear of getting old, Fear of not reamaining a bac., Fear of the Dark (no... not the Iron Maiden one ;) dont know what/why.

The worst thing in such a state is that the harder you try to pin a particular reason to the board, the deeper you get into the murky waters. And this trouble kills you from inside, while your thinkpad tries to adapt to the situation (little does he know that he's the creator of the situation) and your body is grilled in between.

And now this freakingly awesome weather has made me go nuts. How can one not get out there and enjoy (forget sleep maan - I say to myself), lets see how this week-end goes. But still, for now I would try to change my routine and my habits to remodel myself in the state I was, and the sane state (which has eluded me) of what they call "8 hours of sleep".

Archived in: Insomnia Sleep Mocha Weekend

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:23 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Bare Essentials

The mist in the air had suddenly vanished and I was feeling guilty putting on my jacket to work every day this week. Daytime temperatures soaring high with the mercury touching 50s and 60s all of a sudden.
The killer weather has put People on streets and some are even ready to bare the essentials (if you know what I mean). As if they have been waiting for this cold weather or this Ice age to seize and it was getting prolonged without any reason whatsoever. It hasn't even been an average winter if you think about it, but we are now ready for the clear skies bright sun and DST s.
No offense but the female species seem to have been affected more (my observation - courtsey daily commute to work) by the sudden change in the temperature as they prove the Title of this post to be very true indeed. But, all in all the weather is getting superb day-by-day and hope it continues to be the same for a while, before it soars to high 60s and 70s, 'cause I detest that like anything.
Archived in: Boston Temperature Winter

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:38 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Concert Watch

A close watch on some concerts in the coming months, by Amrita here Concert Watch . Hey dude ParaG ... if you happen to read this let's make sure we attend PJ this time yeah ? It's been a while , um wait a minute .. when was the last time ?? I don't want to miss it this year :D ..
Archived in: Rock concerts, Pearl Jam, Ozzfest

Posted by Rajesh @ 9:47 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Crowded Pluto

In just under a year's time we would be arriving near Jupiter. The biggest planet in our Solar system would then be used to obtain a gravitational boost. "Mission Horizon" - thats the name given to the mission by NASA - a spacecraft that carries all kinda equipments to probe the farthest planet - Pluto.
Currently travelling at about 20 miles a second, the spacecraft is expected to arrive at Pluto in July 2015. It would by then have flown for 9 years at a stretch (launched on Jan 19, 2006)!! Freaking 9 years it takes for a one way flight ... damn. The speed by which it's travelling, it would take a mere ~ 10 seconds from NY to DC ... I doubt if the scientists involved in the project currently would still be by then. Transfer of information, maybe .. or atleast thats how most of these things work.
The neighborhood around Pluto is getting crowded (or we are discovering it to be crowded). Hubble recently discovered 2 new moons around Pluto taking the total count to 3. Charon, the existing moon, was discovered way back in 1978 though, and is about half the size of Pluto itself. The newly discovered ones have been named P1 and P2 as the discoverers are yet to suggest a name to the Intl. Astronomical Union. P1 goes around Pluto once while Charon goes aroud the planet every 6 times. P2 on the other hand goes around Pluto once while Charon goes aroud the planet every 4 times.
Strange things happen in this universe of ours with discoveries becoming so common now-a-days with the help of powerful equipments and telescopes like Hubble.
Archived in : Science Solar system Pluto Charon Moon Planet NASA Hubble telescope

Posted by Rajesh @ 10:40 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Amazon USPS and Da Vinci Code

I had bought this book from Amazon quite a while ago. As I had read it before, just wanted to own the Special Illustrated Edition of "The Da Vinci Code", had ordered it via the regular shipment which usually takes a week or so.
It had been more than 2 weeks when I realised that I hadn't gotten it delivered. Email the seller to find out that according to the USPS, its already delivered a week ago !!! Take that .. and I'm like .. No I haven't a clue about the order being delivered. The USPS apparently had delivered it and probably someone grabbed it (or stole it in other words).
Good that Amazon have the policy and I got my money refunded alright (though it is yet to show up on my acct), but it sucks. This has been my first bad experience with Amazon and I believe they should make it a point to use a mode of shipment which would require a signature from the customer. And since the books and larger shipments donot fit in the mailboxes, they are left right at the apt. door which then finds its way to someone elses house !!
Sigh ! I have to get it ordered again and probably ask the seller to make it a point to get my signature at the shipment delivery. For now I stay deprived of reading the Illustrated Edition for a week or more ......
Archived in: Da Vinci Code Amazon USPS

Posted by Rajesh @ 11:17 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Blog snapshot

A Word Cloud which you can ...

get here

Archived in: Blog Word cloud

Posted by Rajesh @ 10:22 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Creative guyz @ Honda n Toyota

Looks like I'm putting in more Videos out here these days. But couldn't resist these ones -

This Advertisement for the new Honda Accord was shot in real time with no CGI involved in the sequence. It required 606 takes and cost $6 million to shoot and took 3 months to complete. The equipment was so precisely set up that the crew literally had to tip toe around the set for fear of disturbing things, which led to some unexpected problems.

This was an extremely long and challenging process and had to be repeated for every single sound in the commercial, and then learnt by the choir. The whole process took six months from recording the sounds of the choir, experimenting with a small choir, and then rehearsing with the whole choir and learning the final piece of music.

Archived in : Advertisements Honda Toyota

Posted by Rajesh @ 6:55 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Blog Add-ons and Google

There are quite a few in the market now-a-days, but what I was interested in, apart from the Affiliates that you see on the sidebar, was a Search. Spent some yesterday and some today to finally get it working - most importantly "the way I wanted".
So finally My Deja Vu has ..

Thinking of putting in some Google Adsense. The only thing thats stopping me is ...

Suggestions/Experiences welcome on this Adsense...

Also finally got my account approved on Google Page Creator. Click here, but as obvious - its still under construction. Probably my week-end task or atleast could get started. But yeah You Should Get One as I believe there's a waitlist much similar to their email accounts once ! Currently they are offering a staggering 100 MB storage.

~That's it for now....

Archived in : Blog Addons Google Adsense Web-Page

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:42 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Homer's going no-where

Fox has commissioned 2 more series of 'The Simpsons' and it would be screened till 2008 now :B ... Simpsons is the longest running prime-time show in the US of A (currently running in its 17th season). The very first show aired way back in 1987 and by the time its taken off-air (which is .. I dunno when), children born after the series began will be old enuf to write the show ;)

~~Doh ~~

mmmm ... Forbidden Donut!!!
On the other hand, South Park is debuting its 10th Season this Wednesday, kicking off an all new episode "The Return of Chef". Here's some interesting fact (not the very reason I watch it though) .... here

Archived in: Cartoon Simpsons South Park Comedy

Posted by Rajesh @ 6:09 PM; PERMALINK, ,


3 Years now What ?

3 years ago on this very day (03/20/2003)a Pandoras box was opened and although dictator Saddam Hussein was toppled, the invasion has instigated ethnic and sectarian strife creating the threat of Civil War.
Over this 3 year period (about 1096 days), over 100,000 children have been killed or died as a result of disease, bad water, starvation and lack of medical care. The number of US soldiers killed during their service has reached 2318. It's not obvious but the total projected cost of the Iraq war is estimated to be a whopping $19,600 per household !! What ? No kidding !!
As we enter the 4th year of "US troops in Iraq", the situation in any city (if there's anything left out there to be called one) remains the same. Bloodsheds, Suicide bombings, People running here and there, waking up hearing gunshots and explosions, Number of soldiers on the road outnumbering the citizens have become a common sight.
Over the weekend, the former prime minister of Iraq said in an interview with the BBC .."It is unfortunate that we are in civil war. We are losing each day an average of 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more. If this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is."
I think most of us would agree that it is long past time for someone to begin to stake out a different path. When you've set out in the wrong direction from the beginning, staying the course isn't a legitimate option. But all we can ask is "When" ... when would this end? (if at all it's supposed to be that way)

Archived in: US Troops Iraq War Anniversary PTSD

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:47 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Inspiration from Garfield

Now, this was yesterday ... being a Saturday, it sounds alright (me being Garfield, not Jon).

Today ... well uh um...

Tomorrow, a Monday - Monday Blues, An early morning, Hurry to work, 8 Atrocious hours, and another 5 day week kicks off.

Archived in: Comics Garfield Monday Blues

Posted by Rajesh @ 8:12 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Learning to Fly

No !! Its not the effect of alcohol. Neither have I started smoking grass. Though I do listen to Pink Floyd, and am very well aware that listening to PF itself is enuf to make one glide (if not fly) .. a combination of grass and PF is awesome (or so I've heard). What else would flying mean hmm ... Well for once, I try to find what it means ... literally -
Main Entry: fly
Pronunciation: 'flI
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): flew /'flü/; flown /'flOn/; fly·ing
Arey ... just added a 512 MB RAM to my HP desktop today and all of a sudden it responded by performing day-2-day activities (like opening up Winamp, Gmail notifier, Mozilla & YM in one short) with much ease... basically it started flying as it was the very first day.
Now, I gotta be extra careful 'cause the words appear way way before I type it in my editor ;). Glad that Microsoft agrees to YAFIYGI (You asked For It You Got It !!) :D :D
Archived in : Ram Hard-Drives Floyd 512

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:54 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Germans n Hindi ?

Germans as such are pretty brainy chaps and what if he/she were an Engineer ? I should say ... ahem - got to be the best yeah ? Well, this chap is pretty good too (being brainy has got nothing to do with this, though) ... and I know he's better than me at what he's done out here (which I hate to say being an Indian). I mean it .. couldn't compete with him - his tone and the modulation OMG.
What the crap ... just click below will ya ? Can read my blabber anytime later ;-)

Archived in: Germany Hindi India Movies

Posted by Rajesh @ 6:56 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Dont act smart with me

I received this email some days back, it was titled "Corporate Information Security - Password Strength Testing". The content was something like this ... "If you have recieved this message it is due to the fact that your Network Logon ID possesses a password that was easily guessed during IT Security's compliance testing using a password strength testing utility. This utility compares passwords to dictionary works, names, places, etc. in addition to adding numbers to the beginning and/or end of the password. Please change your password to one that is not easily guessed."
I did not give a damn at that point and thought of worrying about it later. Very next day, try to login to my box and I find myself being asked to change my password. It was as if I was being held at gun-point "change your password or you'll drop dead" ...
Already running late at work that day, huffed and puffed my way to work, and now this .. start to a glorious day @ work - I said to myself. Pulled my chair and sat down to change the pwd.- a combination of alphabets and numbers that would allow me login and check my email and mainly 'start working' . Little did I know that it would become my worst nightmare.
15 minutes into it, I was still punching in, trying different combinations ..."too similar to the previous one" "should have atleast xxx characters and may include numbers" "shouldn't start with a number" ... aaaarrrggghhhh, tell you I was going nuts and for the very first time I felt like a noob. The eagerness inside me to beat the machine flourishing all of a sudden from no-where.
After using almost every key on my keyboard I landed upon a combination that succeded. Half the work was done. Now came the tough part of remembering that crap. I read the same email I recd. the day before, it said ...
Things to remember -
... as you say sir ...

Posted by Rajesh @ 10:27 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Holi Hai ...

The festival of colors - Holi is here. Annual Hindu spring festival celebrated with gusto all over India. I donot remember when was the last time I celebrated the fest ... um uh probably 5 years ago.
Still remember those days playing color with pichkaaris, trying to squeeze in a coupla hours during the Board exam preparations, freaking out the next day @ school trying to figure out the colors on friends faces, even Paint .. yeah white Paint !!
Happy Holi Everyone !!!
Archived in : Festival India Holi

Posted by Rajesh @ 11:05 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Cricket at its best

If you are a cricket fan or even know about the game, ought to know that "Cricket was at its best" @ Johannesburg on Sunday March 12th. Every match between South Africa and Australia is a must watch and so was this one. How rediculously sublime a day of cricket it was !!

Aussies batted first and records started tumbling quicker than wickets. SA replied the total keeping the momentum all along and towards the end they had done the unthinkable by not only breaking the 400 run barrier, but smashing through it. Some highlights --

I think Australia needed this to keep them on the ground and those BS comments made by Shane Warne now has bit them from the rear. 2-2 in the series he was all blah blah about how minnows SAF's were and how they didnt know their cricket. Well Warne, this should keep you mum for a loooong time now !

But one thing keeps popping up all along - ODI is becoming a Batters game and soon we would see scores in the range of 500+ being posted and ..... teams chasing it down !!!

snaps courtsey - cricinfo

Archived in : Cricket World Record Australia South Africa Gibbs Ponting

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:03 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Mars and Google ?

Yeah .. Google has landed on MARS today and with a NASA spacecraft successfully entering the Mars orbit, its again good timing from the folks at google !

You can browse martian landscape almost the same way you use Google Maps. Let's see what more do they have in store for users !!

Archived in : Google Mars Maps NASA spacecraft

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:40 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Knew York ...

A short trip to NY and nearby places over the week-end. Guess not much scrapping possible as a result. Would be a good hangout ( or we'll make it one ;-) . Ride to Manhattan would be okay but while returning back, it would be a lonely 4-5 hours in the Greyhound ~ sigh ( unless of course I find an interesting person sitting next to me) . And this, I believe would be too much to ask yeah ? Well, it has been my experience for my past 10-12 rides ... duh duh duh...
Of course 'they' have planned to go to Atlantic City (again ??) .. yeah for a change would be roaming amongst the great gamblers and pub hoppers !! Ahem ..
Anyways more about the trip with some details on Sunday when I return back to my den ;-)
Signing off now ...

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:24 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Five Something Someone ..

Another Fi5e ?? Naah ....
Have been having fun wiht the number 5 lately.I was tagged by Fi5e some days ago, though i came up with something alright.Now I find myself reading this piece of work by Chetan Bhagat - "Five Point Someone". Thanks to Parag and Soumya who suggested I read this.

Dont know what to say right now considering I'm just into about 90 odd pages reading it.But so far so good .. It's about the life of an IITian who cares for fun things in life as opposed to the "muggu" life @ IIT and psychos wondering how where their GPA decreased by 0.01.

The mention of Vodka and Pink Floyd made me remember the gud ol Hostel life during my undergrad. Anyways squeezed in a coupla minutes to punch in a few lines here. Back to work now !!

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:16 PM; PERMALINK, ,


X Files Mania

Engulfed in some Sci-Fi, as always, I lay in my Bed yesterday expecting back to back episodes of X-files 12 -2 am. I'd be nuts if I said I didnt enjoy them yesterday. Lemme put it this way - " The Triangle" and "Dreamland" were amongst the best episodes I'd ever seen. Scully and Mulder were superb as always ...

The Triangle - Mulder goes in search of a ship that disappered in the Bermuda Triangle in 1939. But when he gets on board, Mulder finds that he — and all the passengers and crew (as well as some strangely familiar ones) — are still stuck in the past.

Dreamland - Mulder and Scully get an anonymous tip which brings them to the mecca of all UFO lore — Area 51. But their lifes are altered in a mysterious way ( as if its something new in Xfiles yeah?)

Anyways, so couldnt gather much sleep .. slept at 2 & woke up at 7 ! This has been the case since quite some time now. Boy! Cannot miss them back to back episodes. This nebulous state of sleeplessness I am in, right now, is inexplicable and leads me to nowhere but ... um... - Insomnia

Archived in : X Files Mulder Scully Insomnia Triangle Dreamland Bermuda Triangle Sci Fi

Posted by Rajesh @ 10:08 PM; PERMALINK, ,



Song 2

I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn’t easy
But nothing is, no

When I feel heavy metal
And I’m pins and I’m needles
Well I lie and I’m easy
All of the time but I’m never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

I got my head done
When I was young
It’s not my problem
It’s not my problem

When I feel heavy metal
And I’m pins and I’m needles
Well I lie and I’m easy
All of the time but I’m never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, Yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah

Archived in: Music Rock Lyrics Blur

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:57 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Hurricanes and Fleas ...

Got hold of some funny commercials, somehow ... :D

Hurricane ...

Citroen ...

Ipod Flea ...

Archived in : Commercials Hindi Funny Advertisements

Posted by Rajesh @ 12:15 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Spirit of India ...

Archived in : India Culture

Posted by Rajesh @ 11:13 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Tagged by Fi5e

Yes. This time I've been tagged by 5 courtsey, RPM. Last time though, it was 7 by MadV. I've tried my best on this one and it was fun - some good ol remembrances !! So here goes ... the Five
Ten Years Ago
Five Years Ago
Last One Year
Five Things Planned for next 5 Years ...Thats a tough one ..
Five Yummy Things
Five Songs I know by heart
Five Things I'd do If I had Money
Places I Escape to
TV Shows
Five Things I Can't Live Without
Five Things I Can Live Without
Five Favourite Ethnic Cuisines
Five best places to visit

Need to tag someone yeah ? To be honest I dunno how many of you would try to complete this but if you happen to find your name out here, do make an attempt ;)

Tagged: Parag Sreeram Amrita MadV Intruder Kashti

Archived in : Tag Tagged Seven Five

Posted by Rajesh @ 1:45 AM; PERMALINK, ,


Weekend accomplishments

Lots to accomplish this week-end. I dont know why but find myself taking these 'Blogthings' and now would try to live to their expectations :D ... by Learning Spanish, Being abnormal, Drinking Martini (sigh!) and getting a PhD :)

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.
Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!

What Language Should You Learn?

You Are 24% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.
You are at low risk for having a borderline personality.

It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality.

It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at medium risk for having a social phobia.

You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

How Abnormal Are You?

You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)

You're a great thinker and a true philosopher.
You'd make a talented professor or writer.

What Advanced Degree Should You Get?

You Are a Martini

There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!

What Mixed Drink Are You?

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:25 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Mangoes for Uranium

"And, oh, by the way, Mr. Prime Minister, the United States is looking forward to eating Indian mangoes. Part of liberalizing trade is to open up markets. And as a result of your leadership, and our hard work, we are opening up markets. Our agricultural knowledge initiative is an important initiative for both countries, where we'll fund joint agricultural research projects"
Are you kidding me? Is he there to sign the the Nuclear deal or what?
Need - Although I congratulate Mr. Manmohan Singh for reaching a historical understanding with the US, the Nuclear deal signed by the two countries has not set a good example. Now, I'm not being a devil's advocate but its high time we started looking for and developing "Renewable Resources" not create nuclear waste and just dump them. Am sure there's gonna be a huge debate on how/where to dump the waste. But I guess the current situation India is in right now, demands Nuclear power.
As an explanation take this - "Nuclear power is a renewable source of energy, and the less demand there is for non-renewable sources of energy, like fossil fuels, the better off it is for the American people," says Bush ...
"Increasing demand for oil from America, from India and China, relative to a supply that's not keeping up with demand, causes our fuel prices to go up." - Voila what a revelation !!!
Never during 24 years of my education have I come across this fact. The fact that Nuclear energy is renewable !!
Responsibility - I have no doubt that we (India) are a responsible nuclear state even though we havent signed the NPT. Now both countries have to think about selling this (Mr. Singh to our Parliament and Mr. Bush to the Congress) - not that it is difficult but Nuclear Fuel is not the solution and am sure in the coming years, we are gonna learn this the tough way.
Future - On second thoughts as someone asked Mr. Bush at the Hyderabad House - " Why should other countries sign the NPT if India is getting a deal without doing so, Sir?"
Excerpts from - Washinton Post,, Reuters
Archived in : India US Nuclear Fuel Uranium Bush Manmohan Singh Treaty Renewable Energy

Posted by Rajesh @ 8:20 PM; PERMALINK, ,
