Learning to Fly
Sunday, March 19, 2006
No !! Its not the effect of alcohol. Neither have I started smoking grass. Though I do listen to Pink Floyd, and am very well aware that listening to PF itself is enuf to make one glide (if not fly) .. a combination of grass and PF is awesome (or so I've heard). What else would flying mean hmm ... Well for once, I try to find what it means ... literally -
Main Entry: fly
Pronunciation: 'flI
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): flew /'flü/; flown /'flOn/; fly·ing
Pronunciation: 'flI
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): flew /'flü/; flown /'flOn/; fly·ing
Arey ... just added a 512 MB RAM to my HP desktop today and all of a sudden it responded by performing day-2-day activities (like opening up Winamp, Gmail notifier, Mozilla & YM in one short) with much ease... basically it started flying as it was the very first day.
Now, I gotta be extra careful 'cause the words appear way way before I type it in my editor ;). Glad that Microsoft agrees to YAFIYGI (You asked For It You Got It !!) :D :D
Posted by Rajesh @ 12:54 AM; PERMALINK,
2 Shouts:
- At March 19, 2006 8:53 PM, Mosilager said...
so your computer is learning to fly, that's great. HP, though? I like building my own, but then again, Lock-on:Modern Air Combat won't run on just any computer
- At March 20, 2006 12:00 AM, Rajesh said...
Yeah HP, its been a while since I bought that and didnt feel like parting with it. I used to play some but not Lock On - Modern Air Combat :(