Stop smiling ? What - you kidding me ?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Well yes ... and how can you stop doing that ? Reading books/newspapers on the way to work is a general TP and I've found myself in that club. But strange things happen when you are on the train and all of a sudden u start smiling (a bit of laughter maybe) reading something. From the corner of your eye you could see quite a few pair of eyes staring at you. I mean come on .. sometimes you become so involved that you gotta let the smile out, yeah ?
Happened to me many times today ... Robert Langdon is such a character! About a month ago it was his interaction with Fache and now its his interaction with Kohler. So I was as usual on my way to Park Street in the T (Boston lingo for subway) that I passed a few (quite a few actually) smiles and I could see the lady sitting beside me trying to poke over what I was reading. Sigh ! As if the "desi" stamp was not enuf - this guy's crazy too (am sure she'd been thinking that; How do I know ? You start expecting that while in NE - well almost). Damn them - here's the thing ... most of the times you find the seat adjacent to you vacant. Maan Chicago was so much better...
Although I have a solution, for now lemme keep the smile posted whenever I feel like; and I guess nothing else matters yeah ?
Archived in: Subway Boston T Chicago Robert Langdon NE Smile
Posted by Rajesh @ 9:47 PM; PERMALINK,
3 Shouts:
- At February 03, 2006 2:01 AM, said...
oh ur blog name is dejavu..mine heading is dejavu. site header is also me and my dejavu
- At February 03, 2006 12:02 PM, RPM said...
Boston has anti-desi issues? I did not know that...
- At February 03, 2006 4:32 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Renjith - Thats he reason I started out with "coincidence" in the first place. Thanks for the find !
@Rpm - Yeah they do have it out here. Esp in the NE region.
@ Hmb - It is not a strange behavior on my part but yeah I wont stop from doing that .. lol. Also to be frank I dont think I would be able to use the F word.