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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Ro Sham Bo ... Anybody ?

Now this game is fun, real fun ... I mean. I used to play it while back in school, but its been like what 7-8 years since I've dealt with the rocks papers and scissors ?
Momories were freshened when I saw this y'day, a group of schoolchildren boarded the bus and although they called it Ro Sham Bo, I knew its the same after they started going through the motions - a different lingo thats all !
Ro Sham Bo is the same as the old game Rock, Paper, Scissors. Two to four people start with their hands in a fist, standing/sitting in a circle. Then, at the same time, count to three, Ro, Sham, Bo. On three they hold out their hands in a certain way. Either in Rock (a fist), Paper (flat hand) or Scissors (two fingers making the peace sign). Now here's the catch - Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock.
Now kids, they bet on something and the winner grabs the price (we dealt with chocolates or something smilar). But in a much professional version of the game - If all tie, it is a carry over and the looser has to drink the number of times it is a tie. If it is a tie three times it is three drinks. The pace of this game is very fast with a high buzz factor. Once the players are good at the game it goes very quickly.
Try it out Jee !!!
Archived in: Games Bus Ro Sham Bo Rock Paper Scissors Boston

Posted by Rajesh @ 10:02 AM; PERMALINK,


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