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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

There once existed a planet called Pluto

Oh I'm just adding something to what's expressed by her out here
I told you it wont be far off when we are faced with this situation ... difficult to comprehend , though. 21st Century and we are experiencing the vibes from far far away land .... Gegraphy has become History .... millions of Dollars, Pounds, Roubles, Rupees, Yens wasted .... all down the drain and all the research all we studied vanishes in thin air.

The degrees we earned all along right from the Xth std - carries less weight. Students who made a just pass by managing to answer questions in a Science paper, would probably fail if they were re-evaluated.

The reason you may ask ? Oh its nothing - Pluto is no longer a planet. Oh okay .... hmm w.. w.. WHAT ?? What crap man ? Are you drunk ? Smoking too much pot these days eh ? I told you not to watch too much of Sci-Fi stuff but you dont listen to me now see what you've gotten urselves into .. he he he not a planet it seems .. go take a shower dude .

Ahoy .. Ahoy .. I'm serious dude .. They have taken away the Planetary status from PLUTO. Freaks, one fine day they decide that its no longer a planet. I've been reading news and listening to some. They simply dont know the impact probably .. lets see what repercussions it may have

* Solar system has now shrunk from 9 to 8 planets ... curtains down at Neptune
* Millions of textbooks to be re-printed. Billions of wall charts to be re printed and revised.
* "Pluto is dead" and now suddenly it has become a COLD, desolate planet smaller than some
moons in the Solar system.
* Disqualified because of its eccentric orbit which overlaps Neptune's orbit, hence it was too
puny for its own gravity to pull its orbit into a nearly spherical shape.

I know they would be crying out there on Pluto. People out here shed tears why go all the way to the 9th planet .. errr erstwhile 9th

Some children say that its one less planet to memorize. No need to make a wide guess who they are. As if it was difficult to remember them 9 names. Duh!! I could tell them in increasing/decreasing order of their size and so can any grad from down under.

Hell, I would have Veto'ed it, what do the scientists know. All those .... scientists, with coffee mugs in one hand and pencil in other, specializing in Pluto or "Neptune and beyond" can now just hold fort .. an empty one. I say lets petition against the move by Int. Astronomical Union - I know thats coming down the lane. People are probably gonna sue them:P . And a full support would come from those Aliens from PLUTO and Charon ... and Nix .. and Hydra.

Posted by Anonymous @ 12:41 PM; PERMALINK,


1 Shouts:

At October 24, 2007 12:37 PM, Blogger Laurel Kornfeld said...

Pluto is still a planet, and it is not "dead."

Only 424 out of 10,000 members of the IAU voted on this. No absentee voting was allowed. Most of those who voted are not even planetary scientists.

Pluto is not "too puny" to pull itself into a spherical shape. It is spherical, meaning it has enough gravity to have attained hydrostatic equilibrium, i.e., pull itself into a round or oblate shape.

Its eccentric orbit is a separate matter, and there is no legitimate reason that should disqualify it for planethood.

Almost immediately following the vote, 300 professional astronomers led by Dr. Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of NASA's New Horizons unmanned mission to Pluto, signed a petition saying they will not use the new definition. You can find a lay petition to the IAU asking for the decision to be overturned here:

Also, many publishers and teachers are refusing to rewrite textbooks, wall charts, and solar system models. This decision is highly controversial, not accepted by many, and very likely to be overturned, either at the next IAU convention in 2009 or when New Horizons reaches Pluto in 2015.


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