So Dark the Con of Man
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Now-a-days it's Hollywood that's taking the beating. "The Da Vinci Code" has caught fire all of a sudden. People have started protesting all over the world and Christian groups from Thailand, India,Greece, S Korea, US have planned attempts to block the screening of the film and a Hunger strike is also taken into consideration in India.
Now this thing is beyond my grasp. Why do people take it seriously. The book itself is a piece of Fiction and the film should be taken as any other Hollywood movie. Check out the Hindi movies, no matter what's shown, people hardly take it seriously. Then why this show when it comes to Hollywood ? Read a piece of news the other day that Muslims and Christians in India have united and are asking for a total BAN on the screening of the film. Now if history is a witness, it was not long ago when they were fighting it out in the streets.
21st Century and still we havent progressed a bit when it comes to such matters. Having read the book, I would definitely like to watch the movie. And for one, these protests and headlines have been a boost to Dan Brown's book sales (not that it wasn't selling like hot cakes before). Lets see how far this thing goes ~ sigh !!
Archived in: Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code Movies India Protest Hollywood US Films Anagram
Posted by Rajesh @ 9:32 PM; PERMALINK,
4 Shouts:
- At May 16, 2006 10:23 PM, Mosilager said...
aah you beat me to it :) christians and muslims united to ensure that nobody gets to watch a movie. wonder when the atheists will protest against movies depicting prayers being answered... that should be considered false advertising ha ha ha.
- At May 17, 2006 8:09 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Mosilager - It could very well be considered false advertising .. Lol. But what I'm not able to understand is that we are trying to progress here and still the thinking remains the same.
I was never able to understand the hindustaani mind behind all this. Whtever, why blame India - its the same all over the world. Protests, protests and more protests. Sometime back it was "The Passion of the Christ" and now its "The Da Vinci Code" :( - At May 17, 2006 11:08 PM, ammu said...
fly by comment...
True true...censorship sucks! What part of the word "fiction" do they not understand ? - At May 18, 2006 3:58 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Amrita - yeah, dont know why they do-not get it !! And even after all these stupid protests, we all know it IS gonna release on the 19th and people are gonna watch it too ;-)