Cross The Words Cryptically
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Back in those Undergrad days, we used to rush to the Library lest we would miss a chance to a attack the day's puzzle - The Daily Crossword which appears in "The Hindu". Lunch break, Time out in between classes or any 15minute break, there we were - attempting the X-word. Reading the news or even the headlines was secondary,then. And how we used to get dissapointed if we saw someone taking a crack at it already; b/c writing "Smashed" over the grid had its own fun, a sense of achievement.
Even now I try to keep pace, printing out from the online edition of The Hindu. Although my skills have become rusty, attempting a few clues brings back a few that I used to have up my sleeve about ~10 years ago ...
Have jotted A few ones that I remember ...
1.Indian boy and girl should know their limit (8,5) - Lakshman Rekha
2.twelve plus one remains the same (6,4,3) -Eleven Plus Two
3.Doctor, early morning gets involved in a stage composition. (5) -
Dr am a
4.Total is a couple of graduates, capital (5,5) - AD IS A BA BA (Adisababa)
16. (8) - Clueless [lol]
More clues later ;)
Posted by Rajesh @ 11:42 PM; PERMALINK,
5 Shouts:
- At May 03, 2006 11:10 AM, ammu said...
LOL!!! Lakshman Rekha...Clueless...!! - At May 03, 2006 8:48 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Amrita - Yeah some of them are really funny. Mostly when you find out that its so easy that you missed it ;-)
- At May 03, 2006 9:26 PM, Mosilager said...
I could never do those crosswords, my brain just doesn't work that way. More power to you!
- At May 03, 2006 10:29 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Mosilager - Well, its never too late, you can get started. Aint that difficult ;-)
- At May 05, 2006 1:30 AM, RPM said...
Clueless was cool!