Moving is a PITA
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Inspite of this, we had to move the apt and although it was not far away from the old place, the weather, if nothing else, definitely did get on my nerves. What looked like a 4-5 round trip turned out to be a 20 PLUS car rides (excluding the UHAUL trips) and still there's stuff to be taken care of ~ sigh ! The cardboard boxes, polythene bags, carry bags, suitcases, furniture oh man the stuff never ended and kept on coming, leaving me and my mind in a dilapidated state.
Then comes the huge activity to restore everything as it was out there @ the old place. It started with my attempt to get hooked to the Comcast world. Boy did I have trouble. At 3 o'clock in the night here I was talking to the customer reps who were transferring me from here to there, from there to some other place and when finally they got it right - the fight to obtain the service that I was promised over the phone the other day before my move !
Internet is a different story altogether. Was put on hold for 30 minutes (@ 3:30 AM eh..) and here I was listening to Beethoven with my eyelids barely open. As if it was not enough, the line gets disconnected after ~ 30 minutes to make me wide awake. Again an attempt and after about 30 minutes - disconnected. What the #$@!, do I look like a nerd here, dialing the 24x7 toll free no. to be disconnected twice and hearing an automated messg. saying that "All our customer service agents are busy" ... oh well @ 4 o'clock in the morning yeah ?
Sigh ! Should have kept this for the long WE, I think. Could have enjoyed an extra day to get everything straight. (Not the coming long WE for, I have some other plans with PJ ;-) ..) It looks like a "less organized" villa but then a lot has been accomplished in these couple of days. For now and a couple of days, it has left me with an ache in almost every part of my body. Maan tell you moving is a PITA ... Pain In The (YouKnowWhere) ...
Archived in: Boston Comcast Massachusetts Weather Rain Pearl Jam
Posted by Rajesh @ 9:40 PM; PERMALINK,
3 Shouts:
- At May 16, 2006 1:31 AM, RPM said...
I can't imagine how we'll move the next time we have to move. It is going to be terrible.
Of course, we used movers the last time we moved - fixed rate, and reliable. Worked quite fine. - At May 16, 2006 7:59 AM, ammu said...
ouch....that must have been hard...moving in the rain!!!
Stay dry...and enjoy PJ!! :P Say hi to Eddie for me....;) - At May 16, 2006 9:37 AM, Rajesh said...
@ Rpm - Believe me its a nightmare! Thought of the movers option but then everything has to be packed and ready to go before they take over, which was kinda difficult. Also what are friends for :D :D
@ Amrita - Yup and its still raining...
Dun deal - will say Hi on ur behalf :)