Google haters do exist ??
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Was surprised, reading this piece of news titled "Internet freedom gone with Google". Bloggers howled in anger, free speech activists picketed Google's office in Sydney and pro-Tibet websites like saw traffic mount. Libertarian voices on the Internet are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Internet the way it was meant to be .... Free ...
This outrage was trigerred by Google's decision to launch - the Chinese version of its Search Engine. In keeping with the demands from the Chinese Govt. , Google's filters block out dissident literature, websites on computer security, anything with gay and lesbian overtones, teenage pregnancy, sites on dating and jokes. Chinese bloggers now call it the "eunuch search engine".
The author of Zheng Weekly, a Chinese dissident blog wrote, "If Google does this, it will be dammed. This company will become the son of Satan completely. It will not only be condemned by global users, but will also be marginalised in China."
In short what does all this BS mean ? It means that country’s Internet users would only be able to look up material approved of by the government and nothing about Tibet or democracy and human rights in China. "US firms are now bending to the same censorship rules as their Chinese competitors but they continue to justify themselves by saying their presence has a long-term benefit. Yet the Internet in China is becoming more and more isolated from the outside world and freedom of expression there is shrinking" - Asia press release
Posted by Rajesh @ 12:27 AM; PERMALINK,