PHI - The Golden Ratio
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
PHI also finds its way into many architectural dimensions of the Greek Parthenon, Pyramids of EGYPT and even the United Nations Building in New York. PHI was also used to calculate the exact placement of the f-holes in the construction of the famous Violins bye Stradivarius.
If you draw a 5 pointed Star, also known as the pentacle, the lines automatically divide themselves into segments according to the Divine Proportion. Sigh !!
Listening to TOOL the other day song named Lateralus. Came to know that the drummer and Maynard use fibonacci number sequences within their playing/singing throughout and inthe lyrics too ! There has to be something about the Divine Proportion. Not only did it lead to such a divine visual masterpiece—Mona Lisa (You can find the golden number on Mona Lisa's face) . It also brought to life a divine audio masterpiece: Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. The musical mystics “think” that the distance between the notes of Stairway to Heaven can be represented by PHI .
* The golden ratio makes an unexpected appearance even in the thermodynamics of certain black holes.
* A Unique mathematical property of the golden ratio - its square can be obtained simply by adding 1 to PHI.
* The number 666 is also related to PHI ........
Thanks to Dan Brown for reminding me and letting me meet - The PHI.
Labels: body, divine number, egypt, fibonacci series, golden ratio, led-zep, lyrics, mathematics, mona lisa, pentacle, PHI, pyramids, stairway to heaven, the da vinci code, Tool
Posted by Rajesh @ 7:27 PM; PERMALINK,
7 Shouts:
- At January 11, 2006 9:04 PM, RPM said...
Very interesting. I knew about its 'divine' nature, but did not have such examples.
Cool! - At January 11, 2006 9:23 PM, Rajesh said...
Yup. Interesting indeed ... I came to know about it after listening to Lateralus by Tool.
And then now by Dan Brown in " The Da Vinci Code" - At January 12, 2006 1:02 PM, ammu said...
I love the 'Golden Ratio' concept. I read about it in high school Physics and was overawed even then....
Cool examples.. :) - At January 12, 2006 1:41 PM, Rajesh said...
And the fact that its spread over a wide range ... from mathematics to life on earth to galaxies and black holes is simply unbelievable !! - At January 12, 2006 8:25 PM, said...
a credit or debit card have aproximately this proportions
- At January 16, 2006 11:07 PM, Mr. Hyde said...
i still owe myself some research on phi... but it has undoubetdly stiken the imagination of quite a few...
- At January 17, 2006 8:22 PM, Rajesh said...
@ Jose - Hmm true didn't know that .. had to measure the dimensions !!
@ Parag - Yup it has .. dont lag behind :D