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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Another AD campaign gearing up

I think it was the year 2000, when "Metallica" responded by filing a lawsuit against them. Although it was a failure, many users were banned from using the service for sharing their song "I Disappear", there have been occassions when the songs had already started floating on Napster before the release of the Album.
It is annoying when you find out that your songs are already in the market before the release of your album and most importantly - for free !! But there have been occassions where such a campaign was advantageous, Radiohead for example had their album Kid A selling like hot cakes and hitting #1 on the charts in its debut week-end.
All said and done, I've seen many ads on subway stations in Boston these days. Park street for example has a good number of ads posted and so does Copley. It all sounds like another ad campaign gearing up, though the popularity of Napster remains to be seen with the market being captured by I-tunes and likes ...
I personally do not like the funda behind sharing music this way. If you have a CD and share it amongst your friends, then fine. But then its trouble when the circle gets bigger and bigger...
Lets wait and watch how it goes this time. Will let you guys know how many days does the ad stay there ;-)

Posted by Rajesh @ 11:47 PM; PERMALINK,


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