Phase shift...
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Yeah .. kinda experiencing the Phase shift these days with sun coming up early and getting dark pretty soon too. Well - I realised that 'cause I was out of my office today @ 4.30 and found it quite odd with all the street lamps ON and the vehicles with their headlights .... thats winter for you and with the Daylight Savings coming into play .. its all messed up. Am sure it would be scaring the crap outta creatures other than humans .... those nocturnal creatures wouldn't be too happy extra hours of work for them. Its strange how their life ( working hours ;-) are being controlled)
Talking about humans ... listened to this after quite a lllllllong time today
There is just enough Christ in me
To make me feel almost guilty
Is that why God made us bleed
To make us see we're Humans Being?
Have been from Mexico to Holland in the past week and have started to listen to all sorta music when am out there .. especially Floyd, Nickelback and the above ... Van Halen ... The afore mentioned countries should be pretty much clear for you 'cause its ..." what "... 2 countries trying to keep the world thin and happy I should say ?? I'll drink to that ... :)
Posted by Rajesh @ 11:48 PM; PERMALINK,