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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Did you notice

... that Flickr was down today? Their homepage had a reference to Flickr blog where I found the following -

2:30pm PST: We started on a database upgrade and a few alters to the database structure last night. Given our scale, work like this takes a long time, and makes a definite impact on site performance.We’re anticipating a couple of hours is all we need at this point, so, we’re hoping to be back online around 4:30 PST.

4:13pm PST: Anyone who’s ever worked in software probably knows that time estimates are tricky. Given that we’d prefer that Flickr be as close to 100% stable as we can make it before we go back online, we’re going to take more time to make sure that’s what happens.

6:07pm PST: We’re almost back folks. Just crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s before we throw the big switch. In the meantime, why not get outside and take some photos?

7:08pm PST: Do you remember when we said we were almost back online? Well, that time we were joking, but this time is for real!

7:34pm PST: And we’re back. Flickr is open again and ready to receive your photos. Get uploading!

In short a database upgrade that was supposed to be done within 2 hours took more than 5 !! They probably said that right about the software industry, but didn't they get it all wrong by about 150%? I'm not sure thats acceptable even in the software industry isn't it? Especially with popular sites like these :)

But I liked their statement - 'In the meantime, why not get outside and take some photos?' :P

Above updates - From the Flickr blog

My Flickr experiments

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Posted by Rajesh @ 11:28 PM; PERMALINK,


2 Shouts:

At February 05, 2008 1:28 AM, Blogger ammu said...

Hey that's really cool. I never noticed the outage...

And I loved that statement too ;)

At February 05, 2008 9:29 PM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@ amrita - Now that you noticed it - why not capture a snap or two ;-)


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