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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

The 5K Deal

A $5000 bond from the government. Yup, that was what Hillary Clinton has in mind for the future American kids. A proposal that would help parents start an account to use for paying for further education of their kids. Now, approximately four million babies are born each year in the US. So the total amount (roughly) would be four million times five thousand dollars = twenty billion USDs. Wow !! Is this a small amount? And ever wondered where this money would come from? Of course, the tax payers money.

I'm not a supporter of Candidate A or Candidate B but hearing comments and statements like these, which (we all know) are nothing but a vote buying scheme, how could one pay no attention? Why should every citizen (or a non citizen) pay tax which ends up being helpful for a few? Isn't eliminating income taxes for children's education a better Idea? On top of that, why pay for someone who may not end up going to college at all.

Does anyone think this would work? I do not!!

A Week after Clinton's speech, Sen. Barack Obama came up with statements like ... "It’s a tragedy that many Americans have to ride the bus or have to settle for a Toyota. Cars are a sign of hope. My proposal allows for all families to have an American-made car, which will bring hope to millions of Americans that have none."

What?? Did I read that correct? Is it a tragedy that many have to ride the bus? I think they should look at other countries and learn something and try not to mess around with mother nature by promising cars and contributing towards global warming.

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Posted by Rajesh @ 9:46 PM; PERMALINK,


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