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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Hey Ram

Once upon a time, thousands and thousands of years ago, there lived a prince named Rama, whose wife Sita was supposedly abducted by a demon (and king of Lanka) named Ravana. Many years later a Hindu Sage named Valmiki composed a Sanskrit Epic which tells the story of the above mentioned Prince (Rama).

Thousands and thousands of years later, people residing in the Princes' land (now known as a country) were involved in a political and socio-religious debate out there at a place called Ayodhya (supposedly the birthplace of the above mentioned prince Rama) a.k.a the Ram Janmabhoomi. The riots that took place (known as the Babri riots) were devastating and sad to sick to say the least.

Again, some years later a similar situation has arisen. This time its the governing body of the country that directly got involved and supposedly "hurt the faith of millions".

A Shipping Canal Project between India and SriLanka is being opposed on religious grounds because the opposition says the project will destroy a bridge built by Ram and his army of monkeys. The Govt filed an affidavit to the Supreme Court of India questioning the very existence of Ram and said the belief about the monkey builders was solely based on Hindu mythology.

Not sure how or why the ruling folks decided on filing the affidavit. Only a noob would go ahead and try to deny the existence of Hindu mythological figures.

Quite interesting isn't it?

After all, what's this whole debate about whether Lord Ram existed or not about? We all have grown listening to and reading the fact that these (Ramayana, Mahabharata to name a few) are Epics. In this scientific culture of ours, these figures are heroes, as far as millions are concerned and its just not possible to try to confine them within any kind of boundaries is utterly foolish.

Even if tomorrow its scientifically proved that the Adam's Bridge (or Rama's Bridge) did not exist, would these Epics end being part of our lives? The answer probably is No. Why then this shout and ga-ga about hurting millions? Well - stuff like this is food for the media and with all the 123 Nuclear Agreement the opposition parties in India are looking for ways to bring the government down; cause a mid-term election.

Bravo !! What a way to highlight and defend achievements. Questioning mythology, questioning the questioning of mythology, creating havoc by disrupting daily routines, blocking roads and burning effigies. Progress? hmmm .... I really doubt.

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Posted by Rajesh @ 8:38 PM; PERMALINK,


3 Shouts:

At September 19, 2007 8:23 AM, Blogger ammu said...

Couldn't agree more..
Someone must have been really bored and decided to play some mischief ....

At September 19, 2007 6:03 PM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@ Amrita - I wish it were pun. Its much worse actually ...

At October 03, 2007 8:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ram Supporters,
Please read this article published by FRONT LINE Magazine (05th Oct 2007)

Myth Vs Science

Information is so vast in this age of world. Nobody cann't hide or tell lies like in olden days.


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