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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

I'm a Reploid

Your Future depends on your dreams, so go to Sleep. A one liner that carried us along our undergrad days, err .. motivating us wink. But then it so happens that most of the times you don't recollect what goes through your mind while you are asleep. You wake up and realize that there was something- but what exactly ? Doesn't ring a bell.

I realized the next day morning when I woke up, that something's fishy. Realized that I'd dreamt of something and for probably the very first time I remember it. It was a game with words and I was speaking them, most of them that I haven't even heard of, Ever. The one that I remember is "Reploid". Just another ordinary word until you see the meaning of it. Don't know how I ended up uttering or even thinking of it.

Reploid - A Reploid is a robot with completely free will and thought processes comparable to that of humans [Origin: Japanese games, Video Games].

The trouble is that I'm still not able to digest this. God knows how many other similar 'unheard' words I had in my stash - hell scary I tell ya.

Having seen the movie Matrix umpteen times, it did go through my mind whether all could be true. I mean all the yada yada yada about we being part of the Matrix yada yada yada. Well who knows; I, for one, believe that we could very well be (atleast I have a feeling). A recent new article in NY Times that - there a 20% chance we are in a matrix and that it is almost a mathematical certainty that we are living in someone else’s computer simulation - gives me goosebumps.

If so - what is he (the someone else) up to? Could I be the one of 'them' ? Would Morpheus find me somehow ? Would he give me a Red and a Blue pill that I would have to choose from?
And ..... am I Neo ? cool

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Posted by Rajesh @ 6:34 PM; PERMALINK,


3 Shouts:

At August 21, 2007 9:14 PM, Blogger ammu said...

Umm...that's some really Spooooky action...

The thought of existence in a digital universe is unacceptable to me somehow!

At August 21, 2007 11:59 PM, Blogger Rekha said...

An interesting read...

At August 22, 2007 2:11 PM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@ Amrita - Thought is Creepy :). An yeah if you believe in Spooky Action, you ought to believe this too :P

@ Rekha - Thanks for the link. Read the introduction - V.interesting. Would have to gather thought before reading the whole paper.


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