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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

Google searches and the Carbon cost

I never paid much attention to the fact that how many times I hit for performing searches. Let it be anything, the very first thing that comes to mind is "do a google search and find it out". It does matter though. How much? Well, I happened to read an article on BBC the other day where some studies suggest that a search produces anywhere between 0.2 and 7 g CO2 (thats actually more than enough to boil an electric kettle). 

The price has to be paid right ? I mean the faster the search is, the more data banks it uses to transmit data contributing towards the energy usage. Google has come out and said that they've improved their search engines to be more energy efficient and that it doesn't consume large amounts but some research has to be done in order to minimize the consumption. I'm sure there are studies underway as we speak and folks are trying to cut the cost of energy being spent by a computer. 

How soon can we see changes? Not  sure its gonna be that fast. There are websites that help minimize these costs and the emissions by suggesting you as to what should be done; is one of them (am sure there are many). So the next time you do a search on google - think twice ... maybe you could avoid it and save some energy :D

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Posted by Rajesh @ 7:53 PM; PERMALINK, ,


$lumdog Millionaire

Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it ?

A. He cheated
B. He's lucky
C. He's a genius
D. It is destiny

The much acclaimed movie that hit theaters in Dec 08 out here in the US starts off with the question "How did he do it?" the answer to which lies in the life of Jamal Malik who has spend the majority of his life growing up in the slums of Mumbai. A superb narration of his life and how different things in life are connected. And when you add A.R Rahman's music to it - simply superb. 

Happened to watch this movie over Christmas and liked it very much. Came to know the other day that it has bagged 4 Golden Globe awards with Rahman winning the best original score - "Jai Ho". We all knew he had talent and that the world would recognize him tomorrow if not today.

The movie is actually based upon a novel written by Vikas Swarup titled "Q&A". The movie is yet to be released in India (Releasing on Jan 23rd) but it has already won about 64 awards from the time of its release in the US on November 12th.

Get a chance - do watch it !!!

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Posted by Rajesh @ 10:14 PM; PERMALINK, ,


Happy 09 !!

Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 09.

Some things to remember from the past year -

Where the Hell is Matt -


Breaking News

Super Mario

Do I know about Star Wars ?

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Posted by Rajesh @ 7:57 PM; PERMALINK, ,
