Yours to discover
Monday, April 10, 2006
Boy ! I've started hurting my fingers - typing on a keyboard hasn't caused this, its them clicks on the mouse "check-box" "right-click" "double-click" and after so many permutations and combinations was finally able to give a skeleton to the trip dossier. Without wasting any time/space ....
Day 1
Started off in a typical Hindi movie fashion, with "the boys" stuffing the car trunk with bagpacks which of course was the best possible arrangement - utilizing the space to the max (or atleast we thought so). The 450 some miles was taken care of superbly, mostly driving through the valleys and peaks of Vermont. The recent snow-fall giving the special touch, providing blanket and adding something to the otherwise monotonous "foot on the peddle" scene.
A Cop car was spotted after hours and hours of driving and was giggled by us as finding Kryptonite in no mans land. Was surprising and it was quite unusual; unlike my other long drives where they are spotted as often as a Honda/Toyota @ a Desi Party (no offense). The mere sight of Taco Bell made us scream - which I bet was the apt reaction considering what we've been thru trying to find a decent eatery in VT. Decent here means Dependable Elite Conglomeration of an Edible Tent.
Scenic beauties on the way (both sides of the border) made us open and close the shutter of our Camera more often than the click itself. Mostly because the snaps from inside the 4 wheeler were not as appealing . The condition of Roads, the Land and the small Towns on the other side of the border reminded us of our Motherland and a round of whistle went out after we discovered how to convert the speedometer run in Kph ( believe me it was something different).
The Canadian Air filled my lungs and made me freakout cracking all kinda BS , which I wouldn't have uttered even after getting drunk. The French architecture and the landscape definitely had much to do with it. Roads and driving on the other side is pretty cool though, Speed limits raised to 100-110 instead of 65 on this part of the world. Only difference being the 100s are measured in Metric system ;-)
Got frustrated by the mere thought of my inability to send/receive calls. International roaming charges are not something you would like to incur yeah ? Roger provided us with the best possible service BUT Cell phones turned to mere Pocket Watches. By the time we drove through Montreal and reached Ottawa it was about time to have dinner and doze off. Found an Indian joint (ample desi restraunts out there) checked in and dozed off on one condition though - to get up early the next day to make full use of the good weather.
Signing off Day 1 - mostly spent on driving to reach the destination - with some snaps.
Posted by Rajesh @ 10:35 PM; PERMALINK,
2 Shouts:
- At April 11, 2006 1:13 AM, ammu said...
lovely pictures. So you a big Italy fan eh? Noticed a theme in your tshirts :P
Loved the sunset/sunrise pics... - At April 11, 2006 12:41 PM, Rajesh said...
Well Italian Futball to be precise ;-). Yeah ! The sunset was an accidental discovery !!