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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

10000 here we come !!

They are playing Chicken with the economy out there as we close in to hit the DOW 10,000 mark. No one knows what's going on but at the end of the day we've ended up in a bigger trouble with the House of Representatives rejecting the 700 billion dollar bailout plan. 

Not sure if they have an alternate plan but the folks who said 'Nay' better come up with a word or two as to how to salvage some pride. The whole world would soon start making a mockery  of the US Economy (which right now looks in shambles) if these politicians try to play a game right now.

777 is the biggest drop ever ( in terms of points) that we've seen and with the future of several Banks  at stake who knows what's in stake for us this week. Going into the vote today we all had a perception that it would be passed but they came out empty handed. And now they're talking about trying to present it again and get it passed.


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Posted by Rajesh @ 4:41 PM; PERMALINK, ,
