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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

I want to believe

No, this post is not in relation to what agent Fox Mulder used to say. It is about a fine Sunday morning that turned out to be a 'brain fight' between Mulder, Murphy and Yours truly.

Going against the usual, I decide to have Butter on Toast for breakfast. The consequences you ask -

U might have guessed it by now. It falls the buttered side down straight onto my bed leaving a square buttered patch on my bed sheet. Boy o Boy did I go crazy. Having spent some time cursing my bad habit of not using the dining table and cursing Murphy, I spend some time trying to find out the what/why and other W's of the myth "A slice of buttered bread, when dropped, will always land butter side down - Why? "

After doing a bit of homework I concluded that there are many factors influencing this so called 'phenomenon'. Gravity, Size of the Bread, Angle at which the bread initially leaves the starting position etc... etc. Scientists claim that they have figured it all. I mean with so much of ga ga over Toasts, Butter and Murphy - I'd be surprised if they hadn't conducted experiments. They did, and turns out that 29 times out of 50 the toast landed butter side up.

Maybe it falls the way it does
so that you'll know which side your butter is breaded on - he ha ho ....

Archived in: Toast Butter Murphy Laws Xfiles Mulder Scully Sci-Fi

Posted by Rajesh @ 7:47 PM; PERMALINK,


4 Shouts:

At November 07, 2006 9:58 AM, Blogger ammu said...

What a waste of good toast...
Toast should ALWAYS be eaten with butter...and sometimes add Orange MArmalade to it... yumm!

(You seem to have a long standing affair with Murphy :P )

At November 08, 2006 10:31 PM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@ Amrita - Never had Marmalade before. Worth a try next time !! But yeah, what a waste ;)

At November 11, 2006 4:45 PM, Blogger Intruder said...

"A slice of buttered bread, when dropped, will always land butter side down - Why? "

coz they don't know how much butter cost!

had they then they would have put butter so thin layered that it will be virtually negligible. for all those calculations based on mass and gravity and air resistance and density, buoyancy and all stuff to interfere


At November 13, 2006 10:12 AM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@Intruder - Absolutely true. In those calculations that they make, they consider factors like Gravity, Air resistance etc..etc..
Cost of butter should be considered too $$/lb, Rs/Kg ;)


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