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I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away and I've done the math enuf to know the danger's of a second guessing.

What's up New York?

Carl Kruger is the name. New York state senator - his occupation. What's he up to? Introducing a legislation to ban the use of Ipods or Cell phone while crossing the streets of NYC. What this means is that, soon you could face a fine of $100 if caught red handed.

Now, the report mentions "listening to Ipod or talking on a cell phone, using Blackberry and Video games". Does that mean that I'm good to go if I use a gadget manufactured by any company other than Apple? Probably not yeah? But the way these product names are used (anything that's plugged into your ears is now known as an Ipod) you could end up in trouble. A while back Google came up with a correct usage of the word Google and I thought it was justified. Apple would definitely come up with something similar.

So NYC residents, be careful while crossing the streets. If not for the vehicles on the road, a fine of 100 bucks. Kruger says "3 pedestrians in Brooklyn have been killed since Sept 06 'cause of negligence while crossing the street, plugging in a gadget into their ears. This electronic gadgetry is reaching the point where it's becoming not only endemic but it's creating an atmosphere where we have a major public safety crisis at hand."

He's got a point, but is this the right kinda way to go for it? What do ya think?

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Posted by Rajesh @ 8:37 PM; PERMALINK,


2 Shouts:

At February 07, 2007 9:49 PM, Blogger Mosilager said...

A while back they were talking about this mini-me monitor that would cover part of your sunglasses... then people could check their emails and what not while walking around. maybe they should ban the use of that device right now. I think Japan had this umbrella that was connected to the 'net as well.

At February 08, 2007 11:20 PM, Blogger Rajesh said...

@ mosilager - hey, didn't hear about the mini-me stuff and the umbrella thing too. Strange world - we live in. Good info though :)


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